Remembering Luboml: Images of a Jewish Community



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

  • October 8 - December 31, 1998
  • This travelling exhibit examines the life between the Wars in a Polish shtetl (market town). Thirty-nine framed photographs with text and maps provide insight into a period of extraordinary cultural ferment and change in the village of Lubomi prior to 1942, when nearly all the Jews in the town were killed during the Holocaust. The exhibit is underwritten and circulated by the Aaron Ziegelman Foundation of New York, and curated by Fred Wasserman, a leading social historian. The exhibition director is Jill Vexler, Ph.D.

Note(s) sur la source

Note(s) d'affichage

Termes hiérarchiques

Remembering Luboml: Images of a Jewish Community

Terme générique Museum exhibitions

Remembering Luboml: Images of a Jewish Community

Termes équivalents

Remembering Luboml: Images of a Jewish Community

Termes associés

Remembering Luboml: Images of a Jewish Community

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