- Fonds104 - Pam Brown fonds
- Série organique4 - Sourcebooks and Related Materials
- 24 en plus...
- Dossier26 - sílxwa? ta ilemixʷms i? ska?luxʷ GRAND CHIEF
- Dossier27 - "The Art goes back to the Stories" A Profile of Dempsey Bob Tahltan/Tlingit Artist
- Dossier28 - Old Punk Rockers Never Die, They Just Do Installation Art: A Profile of Artist Mary Anne Barkhouse
- Dossier29 - Musqueam Weavers Musqueam Weaving Through the Personal Stories of Weavers
- Dossier30 - My Ancestors Are Still Dancing
- Dossier31 - Mehodihi Well-known Traditions of Tahltan People
- Dossier32 - Photographs of Haida Villages [1 of 3]
- Dossier33 - Photographs of Haida Villages [2 of 3]
- Dossier34 - Photographs of Haida Villages [3 of 3]
- 34 en plus...