- 104-6-A-17
- File
- 2003
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Contact information for invitations to Tahltan community members for exhibit opening
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Part of Pam Brown fonds
Contact information for invitations to Tahltan community members for exhibit opening
Completed consent forms - Tahltan project
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Dease Lake school visit to MOA June 2001
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Includes museum activity sheets completed by children at MOA, a list of Tahltan objects for a visit and photos of the visit.
Dempsey Bob - exhibit proposal
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Exhibition budget, correspondence, invoices, and notes.
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Includes correspondence and meeting minutes about developing a process for formal exhibition review after the exhibition closes.
Historical Tahltan photos and info
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Copies of photos from other institutions and publications.
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Files includes a copy of the Tahltan Project Final Report - stage 3, a copy of Tahltan Tribe declaration 1910, a note from guest curator Tanya Bob, and reflections on project from Pam Brown (report to Museum Assistance Programme).
Mehodihi: Well-Known Traditions of Tahltan People
Part of Exhibit Comment Books and Guest Registers/Guest Books collection
Mehodihi: Well-Known Traditions of Tahltan People
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Mehodihi Well-known Traditions of Tahltan People
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Mehodihi: Well-Known Traditions of Tahltan People
Mehodihi: Well-Known Traditions of Tahltan People
Part of David Cunningham fonds
David Cunningham
Part of Pam Brown fonds
File includes draft label text, acknowledgements and tribute, object records.
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Photographs from Canadian Museum Association awards ceremony and photographs of visits to museums with Indigenous exhibits
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Scans of photos of Tahltan people from BC Provincial Museum's collections, with descriptions and researcher requests. Photos taken by James Tait in the early 20th century.
Photos of trip to Tahltan territory June 1999
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Photos: visit to Tahltan territory Oct 00 / Tahltan visit to CMC, MOA, and RBCM Dec. 2000
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Photographs taken during visit to Tahltan territory in October 2000 - Pam Brown (MOA), Tanya Bob (MOA), Judy Thompson (CMC), and Alan Hoover (RBCM) were present. Photographs taken during visit to the Canadian Museum of Civilization, Museum of Anthropology, and Royal British Columbia Museum by Talhtan community members and museum staff in December 2000
Portraits of unidentified individuals
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Portraits of 11 individuals. There is no identifying information or indication of what they were taken for, but based on date on back of image they may be related to Mehodihi exhibition.