- 104-6-A-15
- Dossier
- 1999
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Application for funding from the Museum Assistance Programme for Tahltan exhibit collaboration. Includes narrative, budget information, letters of support from partners and more.
51 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Application for funding from the Museum Assistance Programme for Tahltan exhibit collaboration. Includes narrative, budget information, letters of support from partners and more.
Tahltan Advisory Committee meetings, Oct 2002, May 2003
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Feedback on exhibition meetings from Haisla interns Paul Windsor and Fran Bolton, exhibit outline, and exhibition project newsletter.
Tahltan children's quotes (Melva), consent Telegraph Creek
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Includes activity sheets completed by children as part of a an activity at the exhibition, consent forms from their parents and photos.
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Scans of historical Tahltan photographs with annotations.
Tahltan material and exhibit reviews
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Scans of press articles about the exhibit; comments from community members on the project; correspondence; printouts of photos from the opening
Tahltan correspondence and notes for MAP grant
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Completed consent forms - Tahltan project
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Tahltan trip to Vancouver and misc. exhibit planning documents
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Includes materials related to the Tahltan exhibit opening, travel to communities, exhibit reports, MAP report, draft programs, attendance information, and correspondence, among other materials.
Tahltan report/commentaries [and photos]
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Includes copy pf "The Tahltan Project Final Report - Stage 3" from the Mehodihi exhibition, as well as photos that appear to be of the exhibition opening event.
Fait partie de Director's fonds
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Includes photos labelled as Tahltan Territory, Dease Lake. Tahltan trip to MOA, Tahltan trip to RBCM, Oct Tahltan, and Tahltan trip CMC. Also includes photos of Tahltan objects taken by Bill McLennan and David Cunningham.
Photos of trip to Tahltan territory June 1999
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Scans of photos of Tahltan people from BC Provincial Museum's collections, with descriptions and researcher requests. Photos taken by James Tait in the early 20th century.
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Files includes a copy of the Tahltan Project Final Report - stage 3, a copy of Tahltan Tribe declaration 1910, a note from guest curator Tanya Bob, and reflections on project from Pam Brown (report to Museum Assistance Programme).
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
File includes draft label text, acknowledgements and tribute, object records.
Tahltan exhibit [planning binder]
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Planning materials for the exhibition including acknowledgement, entrance wall, groups of objects, photographs, label text, and panels. Also includes one pamphlet.
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Application to Museum Assistance Programme of Canadian Heritage for funding to collaborate with Tahltan Joint Council, RBCM and CMC through exhibition and publication.
Tahltan consent forms: approval for quotes and pictures
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Tahltan word list from Tanya Bob and Angela Dennis
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Fait partie de Pam Brown fonds
Exhibit proposal for Tahltan exhibit and correspondence related to the proposal