- Collection125 - Museum of Anthropology Student Exhibition and Research collection
- 12 en plus...
- Dossier13 - Anth. 431: "Summary Kept on Display Project 'What Constitutes a Complete Collection" [accession 2001-18]
- Dossier14 - UBC Open House, Asian Centre, "Animals in Indian Bronze Sculpture" by Anne-Marie Fenger, Elena Perkins [accession 2001-18]
- Dossier15 - Anth. 431: "Exhibit Project - Lab #1" [accession 2001-18]
- Dossier16 - Anth. 431: "Summary report on Progress of Exhibit by Students of the Tuesday Afternoon Lab" [accession 2001-18]
- Dossier17 - "Masks Project Anth. 431"
- Dossier18 - Anth. 431: "Lab Section# 1 Re: Sunday Program Evaluation" [accession 2001-31]
- Dossier19 - Anth. 431: "Sink or Swim: An Evaluation of the Student Exhibit Projects" by Jane Barraclough [accession 2001-31]
- Dossier20 - Anth. 431: "Exhibit Plan for 'The Boom Years: A Portrait of North Vancouver by G.G. Nye 1905-1919"' by Don Bourdon [accession 2001- 31]
- Dossier21 - Project - Paper Proposals (for Anth. 541) [accession 2001-31]
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