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  • UF Kwakkewlths
  • UF Kwakiutl

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767 archivistische beschrijving results for Kwakwaka'wakw

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Scaffolding surrounds two totem poles

Scaffolding surrounds two totem poles in totem park in preparation for moving them from Totem Park to the new Museum of Anthropology building. The pole on the viewer's right was originally carved by Charlie James and later restored by Mungo Martin. The pole on the viewer's left was carved by Mungo Martin and later restored by him in 1950-51. Both poles stood in Totem Park from 1951 until they were moved to the new Museum of Anthropology building in 1975.

A totem pole lying on the ground

A totem pole lying on the ground outside the Museum of Anthropology as it is in the process of being moved from Totem Park to the new Museum of Anthropology building. This pole was carved by Mungo Martin and later restored by him at the University of British Columbia in 1950-51. It stood in Totem Park until it was moved to the new Museum of Anthropology building in 1975.

Old house posts, Hope Island

Image of two old house posts on Hope Island, BC. The post on the right appears to be the same as a post now housed at the Museum of Anthropology, that was collected from Hope Island in 1956. Both posts feature a human figure with large eyes. On one post, the figure is holding a small face near its waist. On the other post, the figure is holding what appears to be an animal of some kind. The Museum of Anthropology's website provides the following description of the posts: "The posts of the unfinished house of Ha'm'cit were carved by a man from Smith Inlet called Si.wit who moved to Xu'mtaspi and married Tom Omhyid's mother. Ha'm'cit died before the house was finished. (Information provided to Prof. Wilson Duff by Mungo Martin). The artist's potlatch name was P'aczsmaxw. Wayne Suttles places the Xu'mtaspi village as Nahwitti, in historic times, however it was occupied jointly by the Nahwitti, the Yalhinuxw, and the Noqemqilisala (of Hanson Lagoon)."

House posts and beam, Quatsino, BC

Image of the houseposts and beam of what once was a longhouse in Quatsino, BC, on the north end of Vancouver Island. These posts appear to be the same as posts now houses at the Museum of Anthropology (museum item number A50009 a-c). The poles are described on the museum's catalogue: "Two upright posts and crossbeam that were part of a large interior house frame (also see records d-f and g-h). The uprights depict sea lions carved in high relief and painted (parts a-b). Their heads are equal size to their bodies. Both part a and b have an eagle in profile within the sea lions front flippers. Part a has a top portion of a face painted on the back of its head that is part of a sisiutl that runs down the seal lions back and into its hind flipper with a serpent's head in each. The cross-beam (part c) is painted and carved as a supernatural double-headed sea lion. All parts are painted black and white with Northwest Coast stylized forms... The Klix'ken (sea lion) House was commissioned by Tza'kyius around 1906, and was the last old style house erected in Xwatis. The beams and figures stood as part of a house frame, and acted as structural supports. Figures represented on house frames were supernatural beings which the family living in the house had the right, through their history and origins, to represent."

Majorie Halpin - Alert Bay Memorial Mungo Martin

File consists of images of Alert Bay, BC and the raising of a memorial pole for Mungo Martin in 1970. Based on annotations on the slides, they were likely taken by Marjorie Halpin, who was a curator at the Museum of Anthropology.

Kitty (Cathy) Ferry: Fish Taxonomy

Kitty (Cathy) Ferry talks about fish taxonomy with Martine de Widerspach-Thor (Reid) in English and Kwakwala. Recorded at Mrs. Kitty Ferry's house in Vancouver. Item was labelled as tape number III.

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Mosquito Totem Pole, front view

Image depicts a frontal view of a totem pole carved by Doug Cranmer. The base features figures that resemble humans. A mosquito with a long proboscis and six legs perches on the human's head. This pole stood in Deep Cove, BC before being moved to the Glenbow Museum in Calgary, Alberta. Views of this pole can be seen in items a034459 - a034467.

Mosquito Totem Pole, top side view

Image depicts a side view of the top of a totem pole carved by Doug Cranmer. This view shows details of the mosquito's head, eye, and mouth. This pole stood in Deep Cove, BC before being moved to the Glenbow Museum in Calgary, Alberta. Views of this pole can be seen in items a034459 - a034467.

Mosquito Totem Pole, frontal view

Image depicts a frontal view of a totem pole carved by Doug Cranmer. The mosquito perched on three human figures stands in front of a carving shed. This pole stood in Deep Cove, BC before being moved to the Glenbow Museum in Calgary, Alberta. Views of this pole can be seen in items a034459 - a034467.

Totem pole base, close up

Image depicts a frontal view of the base of a small-scale totem pole in front of a door. A seated human figure is visible. See items a034476 - a034482 for other views of this pole.

Eagle bas relief

Image depicts a side view of the top of a carving featuring an eagle. Photo appears to have been taken inside and another piece of art appears to the left side of the photo. Views of this carving can be seen in items a034483 - a034486.

Partially painted carving

Image depicts a side view of the top of a partially painted carving featuring what may be a Thunderbird. Views of this carving can be seen in items a034483 - a034486.

Thunderbird totem pole

Image depicts an offside view of a totem pole which appears to have a Thunderbird on the top. Views of this pole can be seen in items a034487 - a034492.

Thunderbird totem pole, front view

Image depicts a frontal view of a totem pole which appears to have a Thunderbird on the top. Several other creatures, one possibly human, can be seen from this perspective. Views of this pole can be seen in items a034487 - a034492.

Thunderbird totem pole, frontal base view

Image depicts a frontal view of the base of a totem pole. From this perspective one possibly human figure can be seen. The figure at the base of the pole appears to have only a head and be wearing a mask.. Views of this pole can be seen in items a034487 - a034492.

Thunderbird totem pole, side view

Image depicts a side view of a Thunderbird totem pole. The Thunderbird's head and neck are clearly visible. Underneath a human figure and a head appear. Views of this pole can be seen in items a034487 - a034492.

Resultaten 81 tot 100 van 767