- 4-02-a033570
- Item
- [?]
Part of Eric Parker fonds
Item is a negative showing the mountainous landscape of Yutang with a large river in the foreground. There is a wooden bridge crossing the river.
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Part of Eric Parker fonds
Item is a negative showing the mountainous landscape of Yutang with a large river in the foreground. There is a wooden bridge crossing the river.
Part of Eric Parker fonds
Item is a negative showing the mountainous landscape of Yutang, with a large river in the foreground and mountains in the background. There is a bridge crossing the river. Photograph was taken looking towards Shasimar.
Women working in field by river
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph of women working in a field by a river, possibly picking tea
Part of Stanley E. Read fonds
Image depicts five women canoeing along a river. Several structures, possibly houses, are visible in the background, as are trees at the water's edge.
Part of Stanley E. Read fonds
Image depicts a woman standing near the edge of a rapids filled river. The river is surrounded by trees. The woman may be Read's wife Ruth.
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of a river in Wells Grey Provincial Park in BC.
View of river and horse with riders
Part of Fred Ryckman fonds
This view depicts a horse standing in a river carrying two riders. The riverbank in foreground and mountains in the distance are snow covered.
Fred Ryckman
Part of Fred Ryckman fonds
View from an elevated area showing a valley with mountains on either side. There appears to be a river running through the valley.
Fred Ryckman
Unidentified mountain and lake
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a landscape with an unidentified mountain and river
Anthony Carter
Unidentified city, river, and mountains
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of an unidentified city and river, with mountains in the background. A railroad track is seen running along the river, and cut timber is floating in the river.
Anthony Carter
Two people sitting on a bench in a river
Part of James Davidson collection
Item is a photograph of a man and a woman wearing traditional clothing sitting on a bench in a river. The woman's feet are in the water. Tape reads, "A SUMMER DAY."
Part of Stanley E. Read fonds
Image depicts two girls sitting on a river bank. A canoe paddle rests in the water in front of them.
The Manager's House, Norway House
Part of Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of a building with a group of twelve people and two dogs in front of it. According to annotations, the building is the Manager's House at Norway House, Manitoba
The Falls off the Skeena River
Part of Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of a landscape with mountains in the background and falls in the foreground. According to annotations, the river is the Skeena River
Part of Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of a river. According to annotations, photograph was taken by J. Bruce and it depicts the "Big Chute" in the Severn River
Part of Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of two tents. According to annotations, photograph was taken on the Hayes River between York Factory and Norway House, Manitoba
Tent and Woman on the Hayes River
Part of Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of an open tent with a woman kneeled at the entrance. According to annotations, photograph was taken on the Hayes River between York Factory and Norway House, Manitoba
Suspension bridge across a river in the Chumbi Valley
Part of Eric Parker fonds
Item is a negative showing a bridge crossing a river in the Chumbi valley. There are mountains in the background.
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of canoes on the Somass River (Vancouver Island). Four boys are seen in stationary canoes in the foreground.
Sports Day - Somass [River] 1948
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of a canoe on the Somass River, Vancouver Island. Five men are rowing the canoe. The photograph was taken on Sports Day.