Mostrando 43 resultados

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Military personnel
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42 resultados con objetos digitales Muestra los resultados con objetos digitales

Kenpo happu wo iwau kasō no hitobito (憲法発布を祝う仮装の人々/Celebrating the proclamation of the Meiji Constitution).

Item is a photograph showing people dressed up as warriors for a parade celebrating the proclamation of the Meiji Constitution in 1889 in front of building in Tokyo. A label on the glass slide reads, "The Japanese Army of 100 Years Ago”, but this is not the accurate description of the scene.

Koing's quarters

Item is a negative showing an unidentified man standing in front of several army tents. There is another man situated in the entry way of a tent located to the left of the man. There are more people milling around in the background.

Troops training

Item is a negative showing a group of soldiers forming two lines, one in front of the other. The soldiers are in uniform and are carrying guns with bayonets.

90th Punjabi's on parade, Chumbie

Item is a negative showing two groups of unidentified Punjabi soldiers standing at attention. There are two men standing in front of the groups, holding guns with bayonets. There are mountains in the background.

Photo of four men

Item is a photo of four men posing outdoors. They are identified as Lhadine, Theji, Kung and Khenchung. Theji and Kung are wearing military uniforms.

Rev. Alfred James Hall and Church Army Members

Image of seven people standing on the stairs of a building. One of them is holding a banner.
Handwritten annotations on back "James Sewid", "Rev. Alfred James Hall and Church Army Members circa 1895", "Page 51"
Item was originally numbered by creator with number 124.

March back to India

Item is a negative showing a group photo of unidentified Punjabi soldiers sitting and lounging along a roadside.

Jongpen on his way to watch horse races

Item is a negative showing a line of men riding on horseback. The Jongpen, third in the line. His horse is being led by an unidentified person on foot and he is wearing a distinctive robe.

Group of men at an army base

Item is a negative showing a group of men milling around in front of several army tents. There are mountains in the background.

Changing of the guard

Item is a negative showing a group of soldiers forming two lines facing each other. The soldiers are carrying guns with bayonets. Mountains are visible in the distance.

Resultados 1 a 20 de 43