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Museum of Anthropology Archives, UBC
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236 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Where the People Gather recordings

Subseries consists of audio recordings and transcripts of interviews regarding totem poles, speakers include Norman Tait, Hope Allen Tait, Wayne Young, Robert "Chip" Tait, Howard Green, Isaac Tait, and Reva Robinson.

Western Gitxsan photographs

Consists of photographs, in the form of negatives, prints and slides, taken during the period that Jensen and Powell lived and worked in the Western Gitxsan villages. The images include photographs that were used to illustrate the language books being produced, and other photographs that documented the culture and way of living in these communities.

Western Gitxsan general

File consists of photographs of people, places, and events in the Western Gitxsan villages of Kitwancool (Gitanyow), Kitwanga (Gitwangak) and Gitsegukla (formerly Kitsegukla) during the time that Jensen and Powell lived there.

Vancouver land return ceremony

File consists of photographs of the ceremony held to mark the return of city land to the Squamish in 2003. The ceremony was held near Vanier park, and the land in question is sometimes referred to as "railway land." Both RCMP and Squamish canoes landed at the site as part of the ceremony. Jensen was asked to photograph the event by Randy Bouchard and Dorothy Kennedy of the B.C. Indian Language Project in Victoria, B.C.

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