Affichage de 29970 résultats

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[End of model]

Image is of model canoe from above. Collected shavings and scraps are visible inside model.

[Chip and Norman discuss model]

Image is of Chip and Norman inside Mortuary house, discussing the model canoe. Diagram depicting model canoe and measurements rests against wall in background of image. Door open to the outside is also visible.

[First steam preparations]

Image is of preparations for first steam outside. Ron kneels and uses maul(?) to chop pieces of wood. Unidentified person stands near video equipment, watching the process. Another unidentified person stands to one side watching the process.

[First steam preparations]

Image is of Chip, Ron, and Norman making adjustments to both components of steaming apparatus. Unidentified person uses video equipment to document the process in image background.

[Preparing model canoe for first steam]

Image is of preparations for first steam outside. Ron pours glass pot of water into steaming apparatus while Norman holds model canoe as it rests on top of second, longer component.

[First steam preparations]

Image is of Chip and Isaac making adjustments to model canoe as it rests face down on top of longer component of steaming apparatus. Isaac holds a hammer in one hand as he steadies the model canoe with the other.

[First steam preparations]

Image is of Norman, Isaac, and Chip making adjustments to model canoe as it rests face down on top of the longer steaming apparatus component. Steam issues from box-like component behind them.

[First steam preparations]

Image is of Norman and Ron inspecting second, longer component of steaming apparatus. Steam is visible, issuing from within.

[First steam preparations]

Image is of Isaac and Ron leaning on piece of wood on top of trash receptacle. Chip stands behind them, next to steaming apparatus. Unidentified persons, one using video equipment to document the process, are obscured by steam cloud in image background.

[Ron Tait making adjustments to steaming apparatus]

Image is of Ron adjusting longer component of steaming apparatus on which the model canoe rests. Steam issues from within and surrounds the model canoe. Museum exterior is visible in background of image.

[Preparing to load model canoe into steaming apparatus]

Image is of Isaac, Ron, Norman, and Chip preparing to load model canoe into longer component of steaming apparatus. Ron and Norman begin to remove the covering to the apparatus as Isaac and Chip hold the board on which the model canoe rests, face down.

Résultats 341 à 360 sur 29970