An eagle painting by Roy Hanuse
- 132-1-C-A-a040354
- Item
- [1970?]
Part of MOA General Media collection
An eagle painting by Roy Hanuse.
An eagle painting by Roy Hanuse
Part of MOA General Media collection
An eagle painting by Roy Hanuse.
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of Doug Cranmer and another person (likely Roy Hanuse) carving a totem pole at the University of British Columbia.
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of Doug Cranmer and another person (likely Roy Hanuse) carving a totem pole at the University of British Columbia.
Doug Cranmer, Roy Hanuse, UBC 1973
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of Doug Cranmer and Roy Hanuse carving two totem poles at the University of British Columbia.
Painting of a double-headed serpent by Roy Hanuse
Part of MOA General Media collection
A painting of a double headed serpent by Roy J. Hanuse.
Part of MOA General Media collection
Roy Hanuse carving what appears to be a Dzunukwa mask.
Part of MOA General Media collection
Roy Hanuse Painting a panel in what appears to be the old Museum of Anthropology location in the basement of the library.
Roy Hanuse, Doug Cranmer, '69?
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of artists Doug Cranmer and Roy Hanuse sitting on a carved pole that is lying on the ground. A young girl is standing next to the pole.