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Series consists of 13 art prints, related to the collections or exhibitions of the Museum of Anthropology. The series includes works by Arthur Amiotte (Oglala Lakota), Clifford Beck Jr. (Navajo), Doug Cranmer (Kwakwaka'wakw), Robert Davidson (Haida), Jim Hart, (Haida), Richard Hunt (Kwakwaka'wakw), Gordon Miller, and Ken Mowatt (Gitxsan).

Program Wide

Includes records produced by or related to the Program Wide stream of the Renewal Project (MRP). The purpose of this stream was to “provide overall program management for the MRP and its streams, and to capture the objectives and scope elements which, being common to all or most of the streams, would be more effectively managed in a consolidated manner.” The objectives of the Program Wide stream were:

• To ensure that the MRP aligns with and delivers on the strategic objectives of the Museum as outlined in the MRP objectives to the fullest extent possible
• To work with First Nations communities, other program collaborators, and MOA’s diverse communities to deliver the MRP in a manner that is in accordance with the guiding principles and vision of the Museum.
• To optimize the allocation of bother human and financial resources to maximize the overall effectiveness of the program.
• To implement information technology systems that integrate with each other, are sustainable, and support the mission of the Museum and the objectives of the renewal program.
• To ensure the Museum remains operational and functional throughout as much of the renewal program as possible.
• To ensure relevant funding agencies are satisfied with both the process and the outcomes of the MRP.
(Purpose and objectives of the Program Wide stream are from the MRP Program Scope Definition, 1.2.)

Jill Baird was the Program-Wide stream lead.

Material in the series includes early planning documents, budgets, committee and other meeting minutes, correspondence, records related to various sources of funding and staffing, communication with UBC and the University’s Board of Directors, records related to First Nations community consultations and partnerships, PR and communications documents, and records related to IT planning.

The series is divided into subseries based on the various functions of the Program Wide stream.

Programs, events, and milestones

Series contains materials related to programs, events, and particular milestone ceremonies/celebrations at the Museum of Anthropology. Materials are primarily publicity, such as press releases, newspaper clippings, flyers, and invitations. Other record types include informational booklets, programmes, and registration forms. The series is divided into 15 files:

  1. Field trips and day tours
  2. Talks and workshops
  3. Performances and screenings
  4. Ceremonies and celebrations
  5. Totem pole raisings
  6. Youth and children's programs
  7. School programs
  8. Native Youth Program
  9. Sunday programs
  10. MOA construction and opening
  11. Bill Reid tribute
  12. MOA open house
  13. 50th anniversary
  14. Partnership of Peoples
  15. Miscellaneous programs

Some files group together materials related to specific types of programming or events ("Talks and lectures," or "Youth and children's programs," for example). Other files are focused on a specific program, event, or ceremony. The "Miscellaneous programs" file groups together materials related to more than one type of program or event.

Project files

Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, proposals, drafts, research notes, draft text for exhibit labels, sketches, postcards and other textual material relating to numerous projects undertaken by Shane and others in the Museum. Includes records relating to the expansion of the Museum, Museum postcards, special projects related to improving corridor cases, access to totem poles and exhibits.

Audrey Patricia Mackay Shane

Projects and events

Series consists of records created by William McLennan in the course of planning and photographing various projects and events at MOA.

Projects are considered as having a longer duration, often occuring outside of the physical museum building, and in cooperation with other bodies. McLennan often liaised with First Nation communities and artists during the planning stages of projects.

Events are considered as having occurred over a short period of time. Events were attended by McLennan as a MOA representative and photograph.

On both projects and events McLennan took on larger roles in addition to photographer such as community liason, presenting on topics, and designer. Each project and event comprises their own sub-series.

Projects records

Series consists of interview transcripts, film scripts, reports, guidelines, photographs and research notes pertaining to various projects conducted at the Museum of Anthropology by Madeline Bronsdon Rowan, including the Penal Project, Haida House, Kwakiutl House Carving Project, Centennial Projects and Bill Reid's interview, "Haida Means Human Being".

Proposed Exhibits

Series consists of records relating to proposals for development of exhibits at MOA which did not result in completed exhibitions. The series includes memoranda, correspondences, notes, proposals, budgets, interview transcripts and photographs.

The series is arranged into the following sub-series:

Subseries A: Exhibit Cultural Property
Subseries B: Mah [Unbound Lives: Chinese Women’s Dress in the Twentieth Century Exhibit Proposal
Subseries C: Textile Exhibit
Subseries D: Exhibit Ideas
Subseries E: Textile Access Project
Subseries F: Door Gods
Subseries G: Mayan Project
Subseries H: Gu Xiong
Subseries I: Grace Young
Subseries J: Ulli Steltzer Photograph Exhibit

Elizabeth Lominska Johnson

Public programme planning

  • 105-1
  • Series
  • 1980-1999, predominant 1988-1999
  • Part of Rosa Ho fonds

Series consists of records created, received, and/or used by Rosa Ho in her capacity as Curator of Art and Public Programmes. Rosa Ho was responsible for the planning and production of the public programmes, exhibitions, performances, lecture series, film series, panel discussions, seminars and other events hosted by and produced in whole or in part by the Museum of Anthropology. Series includes records that document the planning and production of exhibitions, public programmes and events.
Series contains correspondence, memoranda, press releases, publications, photographs, photographic negatives, proposals, policy drafts, performance reports, newspaper clippings, brochures, financial statements, itineraries, meeting minutes, agendas, event schedules, lists of artists and speakers, budgets, reports, artifact lists, contact lists, handwritten notes, scholarly articles, exhibition programs, sign-up sheets, museum layouts, performance reports, recipes, audio tapes, questionnaires, announcement cards, art work, insurance waiver forms, artist statements, funding application forms, videos, and video transcriptions, postcards, posters, handbills, and other materials relating to public programme planning.

The series is arranged in the following 3 sub-series:
A. General, national and international public programmes (1987-1999): Subseries consists of records relating to planning and production of general, national, and international public programmes and events.
B. British Columbia First Nations public programmes (1985-1999): Subseries consists of records relating to the planning of British Columbia First Nations public programmes.
C. Brochures, posters, press releases (1980-1997): Subseries consists of records relating to a variety of media related publications for exhibitions, seminars, concerts, and programs.

Public Programmes and Events Files

Series consists of correspondence and memoranda, reports, brochures, pamphlets, handwritten notations, invitations, programmes, photographs, slides, newspaper clippings, advertisements, and other textual and graphic records related to public programmes and events produced by the Museum of Anthropology. The series includes records relating to specific programmes, the planning of programmes, museum film and video productions and their viewing, as well as records regarding special events and performances held at the museum. Also includes planning records relating to the museum’s involvement with Expo’86.

The series is divided into the following subseries:

A. Planning Files 1974-1983

B. Programmes Files 1976-1990

C. Film and Video Files 1976-1984

D. Special Events Files 1975-2013

E. Expo ’86 Files 1984-1986

F. Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games Files 2002-2010

Public programmes/events

Series consists of material relating to the activities surrounding public programmes and events planned by the museum to engage the public. Also see audio tapes MOA 70 and 71 which consist of Audrey Hawthorn, accompanied by Elvi Whittaker, giving a tour of the museum. Record forms in this series include correspondence, newspaper clippings, memoranda, photographic negatives, ephemera, plans, budgets, financial statements, receipts, and a copy of the June 9, 1976 edition of UBC Reports, and a copy of Canadian Art Review VI/I/1979.

The series is arranged into three subseries:
Subseries A: Planning
Subseries B: Film and Video Screening
Subseries C: Special Events

Public programming and special events

This series consists of records relating to educational programs and special events for the general public at MOA. Educational programs include self-guided and guided tours, children’s programs, and programs for adults relating to museum exhibits. Special events include lectures, film series, exhibit openings, exhibits programs, dance and theatre performances, concerts, artist talks and demonstrations, seminars, symposiums, dialogues, workshops, summer camps, welcoming ceremonies for visiting cultural groups (such as Tibetan monks and Maori), fashion shows, book launches, and research interviews. The series contains press releases, brochures and handouts, correspondence, memoranda, reports, newspaper clippings, photographs, meeting minutes, program instructions, program development, attendance sheets, schedules, audio and video recordings, audiotape inventory, and interview transcripts.

Public Programming and Education. University of British Columbia. Museum of Anthropology.

Public Programs Records

Series consists of MoA publications that describe the museum’s public programs. Series also contains background information for Haida House programs. Series contains brochures, tabulated results, and the master copy of the miniguide survey. Series includes guidebook additions and published materials.

Publications series

Series consists of books created by or contributed to by Powell and Jensen. Many of the publications are final versions of the language education materials made for community use. A small number are publications on indigenous culture of the Northwest Coast for which Powell and Jensen were consulted, or in which Jensen’s photographs were used.

Series also contains a small number of magazine articles authored by Powell or Jensen.

Publications, newsletters, and periodicals

Series consists of materials published or printed by the Museum of Anthropology, including books, reports, periodicals, and newsletters. Records in the series are divided into 13 files:

  1. Annual Reports
  2. Calendar of Events
  3. Museum Notes
  4. MOA News
  5. Library Bulletin
  6. Next @ MOA
  7. MOA Magazine
  8. Inside MOA
  9. Exhibition Books and Catalogues
  10. What's New and What's On At the Museum
  11. Miscellaneous publications
  12. Sourcebooks
  13. Educational resources


Series relates to programming communications to the public and media. Series
consists of circulars, news releases, press releases, calendars, programme guides, correspondence, memoranda and other textual material.

Hindaleah Ratner

Published and unpublished articles

Series consists of published and unpublished articles utilized by Madeline Bronsdon Rowan to carry out her educational function at the Museum of Anthropology and at the Department of Anthropology.

The series is divided into the following series:
A) Education Articles (1972-1982)
B) Native Culture Articles (1976-1979)
C) Museums and Exhibits Articles (1971-1982)

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