- 133-02-02-E-b-1
- Dossier
- 1990-1993
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1 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
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Submission to task force - Claudia Haagen
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Submission to task force - Colleen Kong
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Submission to task force - Red Deer and District Museum and Archives
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Submission to task force - Gillian Conliffe
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Submission to task force - Lee-Ann Martin
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Submission to task force - Scottish Museums Council
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Submission to task force - Saint Mary's University - Harold McGee
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Fait partie de Collections Care, Management and Access fonds
Fait partie de Collections Care, Management and Access fonds
Sub subseries contains Don Bain's working files, used during the course of his Totem Pole Files creation. Record types include notes, photocopies of archival records, and correspondence related to the project.
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File contains records related to budgeting of the Collections Area at MOA. File contains minutes and handwritten notes from the Collection Meetings and Exec Meetings, correspondence, memorandums, area budgets, and job descriptions
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File contains records related to a repatriation of several objects back to the originating community in the Canada. File contains agendas, minutes, and memos from the Repatriation Committee; MOA’s mandates, general principles, and principles regarding requests for the transfer of cultural property; correspondence; agendas, minutes, and memos from meetings with the community; and MOA’s internal records on the object.
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File contains correspondence related to a repatriation of one object
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File contains records on repatriation. Files contains press releases from other institutions; correspondence; MOA’s guidelines on repatriation of Canadian First Peoples’ cultural materials housed in MOA (1999); agendas, minutes, and memorandums from the Repatriation Committee; minutes from meetings with communities about repatriation claims and museum inventories related to those claims
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March 25/96 Repatriation Forum
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File contains MOA’s guidelines on repatriation of Canadian First Peoples’ cultural materials housed in MOA (1995), speech notes, notes and memorandums from the forum, and flyers
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Subseries includes files related to different MOA projects related to Musqueam Band
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File contains records related to the Musqueam Weaving Commission. File contains meeting notes and correspondence
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File contains records related to the renovation of visible storage. File contains meeting minutes, questionnaires, and an evaluation report on a tour given by MOA’s staff on June 22, 1992
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File contains records related to the textile projects in room 137 at MOA. File includes notes from meetings, correspondence, diagrams, and memorandums
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