- 51-01-30-a039487
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- [194-?]
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of a river in Wells Grey Provincial Park in BC.
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Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of a river in Wells Grey Provincial Park in BC.
We Asked the Mole: New College 1939
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Harry Bertram Hawthorn
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Image of an shorter, unidentified pole, with a house in the background.
Wayne Suttles expedition slides
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
File consists of images labeled by Hawthorn as being from the "Wayne Suttles Expedition." Wayne Suttles was a professor in UBC's Department of Anthropology.
Harry Bertram Hawthorn
Wayne Suttles and old museum slides
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Harry Bertram Hawthorn
Water and snow capped mountains
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Village remains in forest, Anthony Island
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
View from fishing boat on water, looking toward large mountains
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Unidentified woman with mask and hat (?)
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Unidentified village on river or inlet
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Unidentified totem pole, decaying and leaning
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Unidentified totem pole by house
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Pole features three animals, including an eagle (or other bird?) on top.
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Pole features three animals, including an eagle (or other bird?) on top.
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Unidentified pole, with beaver and bird
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Unidentified pole in village, near church or schoolhouse (?)
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Unidentified man holding carved wooden box
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
The man in this image may be Chief Jack Johnson.