

Hierarchical terms


33 Archival description results for Hopi

Only results directly related

Display in visible storage with museum catalogue

A display in the visible storage area of the Museum of Anthropology with a catalogue open on a table in front of it. This photograph was likely taken to demonstrate the new system where museum catalogues would be available to visitors in order to get ... »

Display in visible storage with museum catalogue

A display in the visible storage area of the Museum of Anthropology with a catalogue open on a table in front of it. This photograph was likely taken to demonstrate the new system where museum catalogues would be available to visitors in order to get ... »

Display in visible storage with museum catalogue

A display in the visible storage area of the Museum of Anthropology with a catalogue open on a table in front of it. This photograph was likely taken to demonstrate the new system where museum catalogues would be available to visitors in order to get ... »

Display in visible storage with museum catalogue

A display in the visible storage area of the Museum of Anthropology with a catalogue open on a table in front of it. This photograph was likely taken to demonstrate the new system where museum catalogues would be available to visitors in order to get ... »

Display in visible storage with museum catalogue

A display in the visible storage area of the Museum of Anthropology with a catalogue open on a table in front of it. This photograph was likely taken to demonstrate the new system where museum catalogues would be available to visitors in order to get ... »


Photograph of a group of Hopi women (whom Maude identifies using the outdated term Moki) baking pottery at Orau (?).

Results 1 to 20 of 33