- Fonds107 - Herb Watson fonds
- Series2 - Exhibition Design
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- File66 - South Pacific Pavilion: exhibit artifacts collected form the South Seas
- File67 - Robes of Power: Totem Poles on Cloth
- File68 - Hands of Our Ancestors: The Revival of Salish Weaving at Musqueam
- File69 - Cedar! The Great Provider: An Introduction to the Traditional Uses of Cedar Among the Northwest Coast Indians
- File70 - Hidden Dimensions: Face Masking in East Asia
- File71 - Tupilaq: Greenland Spirit Carvings
- File72 - Calendar Prints: Popular Art of South India installation photographs for Steve’s Calendar Art
- File73 - The Copper that Came From Heaven: Kwagiutl Ceremony and Art Dance Dramas of the Kwakwaka’wakw
- File74 - Student Exhibits, 1983-1984
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