


Bereik aantekeningen

ron aantekeningen

Toon aantekening(en)

Hiërarchische termen


Gelijksoortige termen


  • UF Headgear
  • UF Hat

Verwante termen


89 archivistische beschrijving results for Headdresses

89 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Abbot and secretaries

Item is a negative showing three men posing for the camera. The man in the centre, the abbot, is wearing an elaborate head piece and robe. The man to his left is wearing a mask. There is a building in the background.

Tibetan women

Item is a negative showing the same two women pictured in the previous image (a033682). One of the women is turned around to show the back of her dress.

Canadian Museum of Civilization [1 of 2]

File contains photographs and transparencies of various Northwest Coast artifacts housed at the then called Canadian Museum of Civilization [now the Canadian Museum of History]. Other images are of Charles Edenshaw. The textual records contained in this file include catalogue records for many of the artifacts included in this file.

Items on display in Montréal

Items from the Museum of Anthropology including spoons, hats, blankets, dishes, and model totem poles on display in Montréal for the Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World".

Tlingit war helmet

Image of a Tlingit war helmet. The caption for this slide says it is from the "Milwaukee Museum," possibly the Milwaukee Public Museum.

Resultaten 41 tot 60 van 89