- 132-1-C-B-a040880
- Item
- 1962
Parte de MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "Technologies of the North West Coast." Shows objects used for fishing.
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Parte de MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "Technologies of the North West Coast." Shows objects used for fishing.
Technology and Exchange, Kula Trade Ring
Parte de MOA General Media collection
Display for the Museum of Anthropology. Possibly for an Oceania exhibit that may have been in place in 1969. Shows adzes fishing tools, jewelry, a map of the Kula trade ring, and other items.
Parte de MOA General Media collection
Display for the Museum of Anthropology. Uncertain relation to exhibits. Possibly for an Oceania exhibit that may have been in place in 1969. Shows a variety of fishing implements including hooks, lures, nets, and harpoons.