- 81-03-a033171
- Item
- [ca. 1957]
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of docked fishing boats, possibly in Alert Bay, BC. A stamp on the verso indicates that it was printed in 1957.
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Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of docked fishing boats, possibly in Alert Bay, BC. A stamp on the verso indicates that it was printed in 1957.
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Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of a an unidentified fishing boat. A stamp on the verso indicates that it was printed in 1957.
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Putting fish over to go into hold
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of a fishing boat named Cospak. In this image, the men are pulling up fish in a net to go into the hold of the ship. A stamp on the verso indicates that it was printed in 1957.
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Parte de Hilary Stewart fonds
Contains images of a trip to Bella Coola. Especial attention is paid to the local fishing industry.
Parte de Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a man on a boat holding up a fish that appears to have just been pulled out of the water.
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Parte de Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a harbour full of boats, with mountains visible in the background.
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Parte de Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of a fishing schooner ship near the coast. According to annotations, the photograph was taken in the coast of Labrador
Parte de Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of a fishing schooner ship near the coast. According to annotations, the photograph was taken in the coast of Labrador
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Image depicts the harbour at Alert Bay with numerous fishing boats docked.
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of a bay with a line of docked fishing boats. Handwritten annotations on the verso of the print read: "Straight across from our house." A stamp on the verso indicates that it was printed in 1957.
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Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of a fishing boat named Barkley Sound. A stamp on the verso indicates that it was printed in 1957.
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Fishing Fleet, Alert Bay, 1957
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
A fishing fleet can be seen in Alert Bay. A dark-coloured car with running boards is visible in the foreground.
Fishing Fleet, Alert Bay, 1957
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
View of a fleet of fishing boats in Alert Bay.
Parte de Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a harbour full of boats, with mountains visible in the background.
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Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of docked fishing boats, possibly in Alert Bay, BC. A stamp on the verso indicates that it was printed in 1957.
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Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of a fishing boat named Kamtchatka. A stamp on the verso indicates that it was printed in 1957.
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Kamtchatka and other docked fishing boats
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of docked fishing boats, possibly in Alert Bay, BC. One of the boats is named Kamtchatka. A stamp on the verso of the print indicates that it was printed in 1957.
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Men raising brailer of fish onto boat
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of an unidentified fishing boat. Men on the boat are pulling up a brailer full of fish.
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Fishing boat docked by village, with mountains in background
Parte de Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
View from fishing boat on water, looking toward large mountains
Parte de Harry B. Hawthorn fonds