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33 Archival description results for Fish

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Cowichan salmon weir

mage of three individuals standing on the platform of a fishing weir on the Cowichan River, holding spears. A similar image is printed on page 15 of Carter's book "From History's Locker," with the caption: "Salmon weir on the Cowichan river, the native people continue a very ancient form of spear fishing for migrating salmon. The weir is not a trap but merely a means to slow the fish on the way up the river."

Anthony Carter

Cowichan salmon weir

Image of a wooden building with a sign hanging from the front of it that says "Salmon for Survival." The building appears to be a place where salmon is processed, dried, and/or sold. It is located next to a creek or low lying river.

Anthony Carter

Cowichan salmon weir

File consists of images of a salmon weir on the Cowichan River, Vancouver Island. Some images show individuals on or near the weir with spears. Also included is an image of a salmon store or drying shed, and Carter's wife sitting near salmon that is being barbecued.

Anthony Carter

Cowichan salmon weir

mage of three individuals standing on the platform of a fishing weir on the Cowichan River, holding spears. A similar image is printed on page 15 of Carter's book "From History's Locker," with the caption: "Salmon weir on the Cowichan river, the native people continue a very ancient form of spear fishing for migrating salmon. The weir is not a trap but merely a means to slow the fish on the way up the river."

Anthony Carter

Cowichan salmon weir

Image of a salmon weir on the Cowichan River, Vancouver Island. The weir is seen from a slight distance up or down the river.

Anthony Carter

Cowichan salmon weir

mage of three individuals standing on the platform of a fishing weir on the Cowichan River, holding spears. A similar image is printed on page 15 of Carter's book "From History's Locker," with the caption: "Salmon weir on the Cowichan river, the native people continue a very ancient form of spear fishing for migrating salmon. The weir is not a trap but merely a means to slow the fish on the way up the river."

Anthony Carter

Cowichan salmon weir

mage of three individuals standing on the platform of a fishing weir on the Cowichan River, holding spears. A similar image is printed on page 15 of Carter's book "From History's Locker," with the caption: "Salmon weir on the Cowichan river, the native people continue a very ancient form of spear fishing for migrating salmon. The weir is not a trap but merely a means to slow the fish on the way up the river."

Anthony Carter

Cowichan salmon weir

mage of three individuals standing on the platform of a fishing weir on the Cowichan River, holding spears. A similar image is printed on page 15 of Carter's book "From History's Locker," with the caption: "Salmon weir on the Cowichan river, the native people continue a very ancient form of spear fishing for migrating salmon. The weir is not a trap but merely a means to slow the fish on the way up the river."

Anthony Carter

Kitty (Cathy) Ferry: Fish Taxonomy

Kitty (Cathy) Ferry talks about fish taxonomy with Martine de Widerspach-Thor (Reid) in English and Kwakwala. Recorded at Mrs. Kitty Ferry's house in Vancouver. Item was labelled as tape number III.

Martine J. Reid

Results 1 to 20 of 33