- 102-02-L-04
- Dossiê
- [ca. 2008]
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
23 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
Border Zones: New Art Across Cultures
The fonds relate primarily to research Karen Duffek conducted and exhibitions she curated or was involved in. In addition, some files relate to publications Duffek wrote. Files consist of research materials, exhibition planning and implementation, ... »
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Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
2010 January 23rd - Border Zones Opening
Parte deDirector's fonds
Border Zones: New Art Across Cultures
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
This sub-series consists of records relating to the exhibition Border Zones: New Art Across Cultures. Duffek curated this exhibition, which was on display at the Museum of Anthropology from January 23 – September 12, 2010. The following is a description ... »
Boundary and Translation, Canada Council PRODUCTION grant application, Sept. 2008
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
Hayati Mokhtar & Dain-Iskander Said
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
Thamotharampillai Shanaathanan
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
Boundary and Translation, Canada Council application – artists and outreach
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
Boundary & Translation, Canada Council CATALOGUE grant application, Sept. 2008
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds
Parte deKaren Duffek fonds