Arts of Resistance: Politics and the Past in Latin America



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

  • May 17, 2018 – October 8, 2018
  • CURATOR: Laura Osorio Sunnucks
  • Arts of Resistance: Politics and the Past in Latin America illustrates how communities in Latin America use traditional or historic art forms to express contemporary political realities. Displaying art and performance by artists in Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, El Salvador, Ecuador and Chile, and paying special attention to marginalized communities, this exhibition explores the role of creativity during times of political turmoil. Latin American culture and folkloric arts are already well known abroad but we’re inviting visitors to take a closer look, to understand the political and social significance of these artistic traditions. For example, one of the works on display will be a contemporary codex, or pictorial manuscript, from Mexico. Written using pre-Hispanic symbols, this work tells the story of the forced disappearance in 2014 of 43 students in Ayotzinapa, Mexico. This work connects pre-contact Mesoamerican peoples and the Spanish conquest with Neo-colonialism and racism in Mexico today. This is a unique opportunity for visitors to learn about Latin American politics through the lens of contemporary art. This exhibition demonstrates how objects can embody important historical and cultural memories and has the potential to influence how Latin American art and culture are showcased in museums and galleries.

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Arts of Resistance: Politics and the Past in Latin America

Terme générique Museum exhibitions

Arts of Resistance: Politics and the Past in Latin America

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Arts of Resistance: Politics and the Past in Latin America

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Arts of Resistance: Politics and the Past in Latin America

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MOA Magazine, Issue 05, Summer 2018

This issue contains articles on current and upcoming exhibitions, an award for Traces of Words: Art and Calligraphy from Asia, renovations, MOA Journeys, donors Elspeth McConnell and Dr. Margaret (Marmie) Perkins Hess, the UBC Indigitization Program, highlights from the Multiversity Galleries, the BC Heritage Response Network for emergency and disaster response, artist-in-residence Debra Sloan, the donation of a South Pacific collection belonging to Reverend George Stallworthy, and an interview with Sharon Haswell, MOA Shop Manager.

Museum of Anthropology Annual Report 2018-2019

The report outlines the museum's activities and finances for the previous fiscal year, including listing staff, attendance figures, acquisitions, exhibitions, educational activities, public programming, events, loans, research projects, and publications of the museum and its staff. It includes descriptions of Laura Osorio's multifaceted curatorial research in Latin America, the museum's review of its African collection, the beginning of an Indigenous internship program, and planning for a seismic mitigation project, among other initiatives.