- Collection125 - Museum of Anthropology Student Exhibition and Research collection
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- File26 - Anth. 433: "Museum Evaluation and Ethnography" prepared by Natalie Macfarlane, in collaboration with Elena Perkins
- File27 - Anth. 518: "Around the World in an Hour and a Half: An Evaluation of Visible Storage in the Research Collections of the UBC Museum of Anthropology" by Virginia Appell
- File28 - "Differing Perspectives on First Nations Representation in Museums; A Holistic Case Study of the Museum of Anthropology UBC: by Carrie St. Pierre [paper written as undergraduate honours thesis for Carlton University]
- File29 - Anth. 541: "Savage Graces and Curious Faces" by Christine Mobin
- File30 - "A Hypermediated Ethnography of Organizational Change: Conversations in the Museum of Anthropology" by Kersti Krug [Interdisciplinary PhD thesis]
- File31 - Photos and exhibit labels relating to Emanuel Onwuzolem's MA thesis exhibit ''World of Spirits" An exhibition of Igbo Masks from South East Nigeria" July 4-August 31 1977
- File32 - CCST (Critical Curatorial Studies) final paper: "Beyond Invisible Boundaries: Collaborative Creation of 'To Wash Away the Tears"' by Kiriko Watanabe [accession 2003-19]
- File33 - "On Curating: Collaborative Museum Methods at the University of British Columbia Museum of Anthropology'' by Heather F. W. Bjorgan [Major paper for MA program in Dept. of Anth and Critical Curatorial Studies Program) [accession# 2003-12]
- File34 - 77 colour 35 mm negatives of Kwagiutl drawings (ANTH 431 exhibit) and BCPM photo permission form from Sevine Rozairo. [accession# 2002-63]
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